Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Wedding Planning Show Must Go On the Road

Like I explained in this post yesterday, I will be temporarily moving in with my inlaws next week. After the initial freak out of having to separate from Mr. Fox after only 5 months of being physically together, I began to make a list of the things I will need to keep this wedding planning show going.

Before I began making my packing list I thought, "Oh, no big deal. I'll only have to take a few things," and Mr. Fox thought, "I don't know if the car is big enough." Oh, that contrary Mr. Fox!

Well, the list making began steadily enough: clothes, toiletries, shoes.

I cannot honestly say that I have never had this experience. Source.
Then it hit me that I would be away during the time that I had allotted for my invitation creation (since we I have decided that it will be more cost effective to make the invitations. I mean it's just paper, right?). The list then had to include: printer, paper samples, paper cutter. But then I remembered that I wanted to make a custom stamp for all our custom stationery and the list grew to accommodate: my box of random crafting things (it's almost impossible to list all the stuff inside). Oh! And I can't forget the list of things that I was going to order to do trials for various decorations.

But then I also had to remember that I'm recommitting myself to my plant strong eating plan and will need my blender for green smoothies. And that the smoothies will need to be portable so I will need to bring my smoothie cups. Also the smoothie cups will need straws and special cleaning tools to get in all the nooks and crannies and ginger and frozen fruits and and and...

And of course I started to freak out... once more.

Mr. Fox to the rescue! He brings with him his engineer-y-ness and a calendar. Since he works in Germany, there are an a**load of vacation days in April and May. So he sits down with me and my hyperventilating self and illustrates how we will not be apart for three whole months like before, we will only be apart for, at max, three short weeks at a time.

(insert my dance of happiness and return to calm)
Snoopy's a better dancer than me. Source.

Now calm again, I was able to return to list making.

Mr. Fox may have been right about the car not being big enough. (But don't tell him that.)

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